Just Ask Me!
The best way to reach me is to e-mail me at johnhansel@aol.com or to call me at 07738668100 at any time.
I spend most of my working hours with clients, which is why I am often not available immediately by phone. So please don’t be surprised if you reach my voicemail. Please leave me a message and I will
be sure to call you back!
john Hansel Golf Academy
Tel: 0773 8668100
E-mail: johnhansel@aol.com
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To contact me at anytime:
John Hansel
PGA Fellow Golf Professional
Have additional questions? Contact me.
Opening hours:
I am available 7 days a week
Mon-Fri 730-2100
Sat-Sun 730-1800
The best way to get to know me is a 15 min trial session! Book it online now.
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